Saturday, 31 March 2012

Reduce Your Botunce Rae In One Second

Reduce Your Botunce Rae In One Second

So, how do you get visitors to spend more time on your site and reduce your bounce rate, without spending more than one second trying to do it?
It’s simple.

First of all get inside the control panel of your website (e.g., WordPress admin dashboard, or the equivalent on the software you are using). Now go to the section where you can tweak your CSS and other design aspects (in WordPress this is under the “Appearance” menu). Now find the line controlling the font size on your site, and increase it.

 That is it!
There are many case studies around the web where people used A/B testing to find how they could reduce the bounce rate, and increasing the font size works on most situations.
Just consider that the population in most developed countries is getting older and older, and that more and more people need to stare at a computer screen all day long for professional reasons (meaning our eyes are getting tired).

Then combine that with larger screen resolutions (where you have more pixels on the screen, but the actual appearance of the graphics gets smaller) and you get web visitors who would love to find a big large font on your site, so that they can read your awesome content comfortably.
And yes, I did increase the font on Daily Blog Tips a couple of months ago. It used to be 12, now it’s 13, and the bounce rate improved slightly.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Google’s Page Speed Service Wanna Make The Web Faster

Google’s Page Speed Service Wanna Make The Web Faster

How would you like to have Google grab all your site files, host them on a Google server, optimize the loading time with several tweaks, and then allow your visitors to visit your site directly on Google’s servers all around the world?
I sure wouldn’t mind (except maybe for the aspect of losing control).
The good news is that soon this will be possible, as Google just announced a new service called Page Speed Service. According to the announcement post:
Page Speed Service is an online service that automatically speeds up loading of your web pages. To use the service, you need to sign up and point your site’s DNS entry to Google. Page Speed Service fetches content from your servers, rewrites your pages by applying web performance best practices, and serves them to end users via Google’s servers across the globe. Your users will continue to access your site just as they did before, only with faster load times. Now you don’t have to worry about concatenating CSS, compressing images, caching, gzipping resources or other web performance best practices.
The service is being offered to some beta testers right now, and soon it will be available for all web publishers. Right now what you can do is to run a simulation here to see how much your website would gain from Google’s service. In my case it wasn’t a huge boost. The “Page Load Time”, which is the main metric, improved by 19%.
If you like the results and to become a beta tester, though, you can apply using a link on the official announcement post (I linked to it above).

How To Start A Blog For Free

How To Start A Blog For Free

This is a guest post by James Ingles. If you want to guest post on this blog,
Learning to blog is fun and easy, and it doesn’t even have to cost a cent. In this post I’m going to show you how to start a blog for free (maybe you don’t need this info, but I am sure you know someone who does).
One of the great things about blogging is that anyone can do it and the barrier to entry is nill, nought, zip, zilch assuming that you have or have access to a computer with an internet connection. I don’t know many people without a computer that don’t have an internet connection. Blogging is as easy as playing with Lego.
I have always been the creative type. When I was younger I used to love playing with my Lego, I was totally awesome at it and could build models on the back of the boxes without any instructions. I even built a whole

Lego land from scratch it was huge.
When I grew up and got my own PC I discovered web design. Back when I first got on the net blogs and blogging never existed so I would build my web sites from scratch. My first web site was horrible. Then blogging came along, it took off like a rocket and soon the net was soon littered with blogs. It didn’t take long before blogs became a great alternative source of information besides magazines, newspapers and other media outlets.

What I have learned over the years is that building a blog is pretty easy. You don’t need to be a designer or know how to code (although it does help if you can design and code) because building a blog is like building a Lego model.

How is building a blog like building a Lego model? Lego models are made up of lots of little Lego parts that fit together to make a model, you can even buy individual bricks and elements to build your own model. A blog is like a Lego model except that the themes, posts, pictures, plugins and widgets etc… are the building blocks. Although you still have to know how to put those blocks together and combine elements to build a good blog. And blogging is free, Lego is really expensive these days!

Anyone can play with Lego and build things without any knowledge but it doesn’t mean that they can or will build anything really cool. Blogging is the same, you can take a theme and build a blog but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be any good. I have seen plenty of good themes totally murdered by bad design choices, cheesy
useless plugins, ugly colour schemes that make my eyes bleed.

When you first install WordPress you get a pretty plain default theme, themes are like a Lego base plate that you build things on top of. Plugins, widgets, and posts are the building blocks for your chosen theme.
Like Lego blogs, plugins, themes & widgets come with instructions but the instructions wont instruct you on building a great blog they will only tell you how to use the theme, plugin, widget or what ever it is. You will have to teach yourself how to build a good blog. There are plenty of blogging resources out there to read and learn from. Reading alone isn’t going to make you a good blogger, you will have to get your hands dirty.
Your first blog probably isn’t going to be the best and you will make mistakes but don’t let that stop you because you won’t learn without making mistakes or building bad blogs. Mistakes are good but only if you learn from them. Unless you learn from your mistakes then you are doomed to repeat your past mistakes like ground hog day until you learn from them.

I have built plenty of web sites and blogs, I have also made a lot of mistakes and bad design choices but I have learned from my mistakes and become a better designer. I still have a bunch of web sites, backups of old blogs and mock-ups of web sites that never got built sitting on my hard drive. If I were to look at some of them now I would cringe, one thing that I would see is that my designs and web sites got progressively better.

So you have decided that you want to blog, and you have chosen WordPress great choice! You have two options. Do you drop some cash on a domain name (so you can have and a web host so you can have full control over your blog? Or do you go with which is free but will get you stuck with and very little control over your blog?
The choice is basically vs., one costs money the other doesn’t, one offers full control over your blog the other offers next to no control.
Neither of those options sound appealing? No money? No problems. There is a third option if you want full control over your blog but have no money to drop on a domain and web hosting. There are many free hosting plans out there. Just Google “free web hosting” and you’ll find them. Although there are a few things to be aware of.
  • The host needs to support PHP version 5.2.4 or greater and MySQL version 5.0 or greater. What you will get is generally listed under “Features”, “What you’ll get”, “Spesifications” just have a poke around any decent free web host will list what they offer
  • If you choose to find your own free hosting be aware that some free web hosts will require that you let them put advertisements on your site, there are some free hosts that don’t require you to advertise so check carefully before signing up.
  • There is one trade off, because you are using free hosting you will get stuck with whatever URL they choose to let you have, usually it’s just a sub domain like, or Although it’s an acceptable trade off for having full control over your blog.
If you are starting a blog for the first time, want a personal blog and don’t care if the URL doesn’t look that professional or just want to learn before you drop some hard earned cash on a domain name and hosting this is a great way to get started. If you start a blog get lucky and it becomes popular you can always buy a domain some better web hosting and move your blog to your new host.

Daily Blog Tips Guest Post Guidelines

Daily Blog Tips Guest Post Guidelines

I get many emails from people who want to know if I accept guest posts on Daily Blog Tips, and if that is the case, what are the guidelines. I figured that it would be easier to write the guidelines in a post and just refer every one here.
So the answer to the first question is: Yes, I do accept guest posts. Currently I publish two guest posts per week, usually on Mondays and Wednesdays. Below you will find all the details about the process.

What kind of content do you accept?

Anything that is useful for my readers is good content for a guest post here. It can be related to blogging, Internet marketing in general, and it can also be derived from your own personal experiences. There is no minimum length for your post, but usually the guest posts have over 400 words.

General Guidelines

  • Your post must be original and must have never been published before on the Internet
  • You agree to not publish the post anywhere else (i.e., in your own blog or as a guest post in other blogs)
  • You can include one link in the byline, which will be displayed at the bottom of the post

Formatting Guidelines

  • Please format your guest post as an HTML document, so that I can copy and paste it into the WordPress HTML editor.
  • Use H2 or H4 tags for sub-headings.
  • Make sure to include the author byline at the bottom, with the link to your website already formatted (do not spam keywords there, though).

Submission Guidelines

If you have a post that meets the guidelines above, you can send it to me on the email Please include the post in the body of the email itself, or as a .doc attachment.
I check and respond to all guest post submissions twice a month, so it might take up to two weeks before I get back to you. This doesn’t mean I have rejected your post though, and even in case of rejection you should get an answer from me, explaining the reason.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

How to import a Tumblr blog into WordPress

How to import a Tumblr blog into WordPress

Tumblr to WordPress
I feel like standing in front of a rail crossing, when the red lights just won’t go off. Is it worth driving to the next rail crossing, just a minute further down the road? Are the lights defective, or is the crossing closed for a true reason? The longer I wait, the less it will be worth driving off.
As a metaphor, that is how I feel waiting for . I have a dozen blogs on Tumblr, many of them are aggregators, creating blogposts from imported RSS feeds. I know (the self-hosted version) has a cute aggregation plug-in that does the same job, so should I move to WordPress, or wait for Tumblr to solve its problems?
Each of my Tumblr blogs has thousands of posts, so migrating them won’t be a small feat. Plus I will have to install a new blog on my server, redo the theme-ing, install the plug-ins etc.. before the blog goes live. Maybe Tumblr will solve its problems tomorrow? Or the day after, or the next? Or maybe I will discover new problems with the WordPress aggregator tool that will keep me busy for days too…?
Well, ladies and gentlemen, after standing in front of the rail crossing for weeks, I decided to move one blog as a trial. The original blog (I left its remains on Tumblr) contained 20,000 blogposts ( ! ), and I did not want to lose those. So one of the main challenges to move my Tumblr blog to WordPress was to migrate all blogposts. All 20,000 of them…
Here is how I did it:

There are three steps in migrating your Tumblr blogposts to WordPress:

Step 1: Export your Tumblr posts
Step 2: Process your exported Tumblr posts (optional)
Step 3: Import the export file into WordPress

Step one. How to export your Tumblr blogposts?

Tumblr does not feature an “export function”. I found a list of possibilities, but none really suited me, until I stumbled upon Tumblr2WordPress (by Ben Ward). And Ben saved my day.
Just run Tumblr2WordPress, enter your blog’s Tumblr subdomain (don’t use your custom domain), select if you want to export to (the WordPress hosted blogs) or (for selfhosted blogs) and … click export. The exported posts will be downloaded onto your PC, as an .XML file…
That should do it for most Tumblr blogs.
(Update March 1, 2010: Ben’s source code is still available, but the executable program is no longer available on this link. You can still run similar code from Tumblr2WP or Tumble2WordPress – With thanks to Aaron and Parneix for the updates)
If you get an error “Tumblr API Request Failed”, this means -once again- Tumblr is failing (as it does frequently in the past months), and the API request to export the posts gives an error. Try it out manually with a command like: – If you get an error, the only thing you can is “try again later”.
At the time of writing, it seems Tumblr is blocking API-calls during the US-day time (afternoon and evenings mostly)…
If you are a freak, like me, and have 20,000 posts in your blog, Ben’s routine might give a time-out. I had to download the PHP source code and install it on one of my servers, so I could dramatically increase the system resources. For the nerds amongst you, I put the PHP code in a subdirectory, and added a php.ini file to it, with the following parameters:
upload_max_filesize = 20M
post_max_size = 30M
memory_limit = 400M
max_execution_time = 600
… but again, 99% of you might not have 20,000 blogposts, so Ben’s hosted routine will do just fine.

Step 2: Processing your exported Tumblr posts

In normal circumstances, you can skip this step, but if you are a purist, like me, you might want to clean up the .XML file a bit to avoid some issues when importing the file in step 3.
You can edit the .XML file with a normal ASCII editor (WordPad does just fine for me, the simple Windows XP user). Each post is stored between <item>... </item> tags.
For each post, you will need to clean up two things with a simple search and replace:
One: Clean up the category tags
In some cases, the WordPress importer will create a single category for each imported post. Import 100 posts, and you will get 100 junk categories. While those are easy to clean up after importing the posts, it is better to avoid the problem than curing it.
The only thing you need to do, is to delete the two category tag lines, for each post:
<category domain="category" nicename="link"><![CDATA[link]]></category>
Two: clean up the date warnings.
Under some circumstances, you will get a date warning in the .XML file:
<wp:post_date><br />
<b>Warning</b>: date() [<a href=''></a>]: It is not safe (blabla)
2010-12-24 12:00:58</wp:post_date>
Just search for that string, and replace it with the date you find for each post, for example:
<wp:post_date>2010-12-24 12:00:58</wp:post_date>
Three: Split up the file in smaller chunks
Oh, and yes, there is a third thing, before I forget: WordPress can not import file larger than 8 Mb. So if your .XML export file is larger than 8 Mb, split it into individual small files.
Beware: Each file should contain the header section, which starts with
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
and ends with:
and each file should end with:
In other words: create a series of small files, which contain all posts (between <item>... </item> ) and paste the file header and end tags.
Hey, and forget all of this, if your .XML file is smaller than 8 Mb !

Step 3: Import your .XML file into WordPress

Now for the fun (and easy part): Import your .XML file with the WordPress Importer utility ( Dashboard > Tools > Import ).
The importer gives you a series of input formats. Select “WordPress”. And if you don’t have that plugin, you will have to install it first, with one click (don’t you just love WordPress? In Drupal, that would cost you four hours of work.. :) )…
Now you are ready to import your .XML file:
WordPress importer
Ready for the WordPress magic?
WordPress will give you the option to define the “blog user” name you want as the author for the imported posts, chew on things for a while, and in the end, list you the names for all the posts it has imported.

Defining an online communications strategy Step 3: The practical planning

Defining an online communications strategy
Step 3: The practical planning

how to define a communications strategyClick on image to enlarge

In our case study, we define a process to build an online communications strategy, based on a workshop with the CGIAR Challenge Programme on Water and Food.
In the first part, we refined our generic communications strategy, identifying our key messages, target groups and the communications tools we have at our disposal. We also adapted our messages and tools for each target audience.
Based on this overall communications strategy, we zoomed into our online communications. In the second part of our case study, we looked at our core online content: What content do we have, what do we need? How can we ensure visitors actually find this content?

Step 3: The practical planning

Now it is time to get into the practical work: plan who will do what, how do we measure our progress both in “reach” and “impact”. How can we mitigate potential risks and ensure a good quality control over our online communications?

Step 3.1: Define your workplans

Define your media workplans

In Step 2 of this case study, we identified those content pieces we have and those still needed in order to reach each of our target groups with our key messages.
Now, we have to define who will make this content: List the content needed, and put names in the to-do list. Keep in mind that some content might be auto-generated from other sources, e.g. by importing RSS feeds from your data repositories or blogs.
Identify also the update frequency: how many items for each content type do you need per week, per month?
Example: CPWF’s Content Action plan
Note: In the actual action plan, against each item, we put names and how many items we wanted per month
  • Stories from the Field
  • Most Significant Change stories (*)
  • Policy success stories (*)
  • Impact/outcome stories (*)
  • Impact/outcome figures (*)
  • Director’s Blog
  • Research Director’s Blog (*)
  • Blogs by young professionals that inspire action (*)
  • Blogs by researchers (*)
  • Progress reports
  • Project summaries
  • Briefing notes
  • News and events
  • Events calendar (*)
  • Detailed partner information (*)
  • Network opportunities (*)
  • Key message posters (*)
  • An elaborate “About” section on the website (*)
  • Press releases
  • Press clippings
  • Promotional material
  • Briefing notes
  • Fact sheets (*)
  • Project descriptions
  • Handbooks/guidelines (publishing, contracting, communication)
  • Publications (working papers, project reports, management documents, journal articles, books, briefing notes, Annual reports)
  • Topic Working Group materials (*)
  • Source book (Ed: an online repository)
(*) = Non-existent content, still to be generated

Work is needed, not only to generate core content, but we will also need to allocate time and efforts for the online media tools, as identified in Step 1. These tools will help us either to “generate” or to “spread” our core content:
Example: Workplan for CPWF’s online tools
Tool Who? Specific actions
(1.5 hrs/day)
  • Clean up who we are following
  • Automated tweets for news publications (of Flickr, Slideshare, web)
  • Manually tweet content from blog
  • 2-3x a day scan through your followers’ content and see what is RT-able
  • Thank people for RTs
  • #FF
  • On a regular basis, see who has retweeted you/engaged you and respond
  • Build and engage a network, follow and seek our followers
  • Broadcast links of new content (blog posts, publications, photos, videos)
  • From time to time, give a piece of original content that is not coming from the website (photos, news, updates)
  • Updates from the projects
YouTube (names)
  • Update existing videos with links to other content, website
  • Publish project videos
Flickr (names)
  • Give existing pictures a proper title, tag, give location, assemble into albums
  • Collect pictures from the projects, ensure they get published
Slideshare (names)
  • Encourage people to send in content
  • Ensure minimum standard of slides: title, presenter, date, location, event
Podomatic (names)
  • Get copies of radio interviews, talks
  • Ensure to publish proper thumbnails, summaries, links to website
Delicious (names)
  • Clean up to make titles uniform
  • Publish links to “CPWF in the news”, continue to scan the news
E-Letter (names)
  • Capture and disseminate new information on the website
  • Further expand the email list
Yammer (names)
  • Conduct survey of usability to establish guidelines on how best to use it
  • Target the internal CPWF community

Step 3.2: Measure progress, reach and impact

Define your impact and reach metrics

By now, it must be clear: your online communications will be quite a bit of work. It will also involve many people in your organisation: staff will generate content, others will actually publish it, and spread the content. There is also significant work in curating the content: tagging and categorizing it, putting proper titles and descriptions, link weeding and adding SEO meta-data.
Because of the amount of work, and the number of people involved, tt is important to keep track of your progress. The performance and output of your online communications will be a good benchmark, AND a good encouragement for yourself, your communications team, your management, and all staff involved in the content-generation process staff.
We can write multiple blogposts about how to set targets and track progress. At this point, though, I encourage you not to concentrate too much on “statistics” for “the sake of statistics”. Make a clear distinction between “reach” and “impact”: “Reach” is the amount of people who read (or potentially read) your content. Pure “Impact” can be defined as “the direct relation between single communications efforts and the fundamental changes it instigates”. This is difficult (if not, even nearly impossible) to measure for online communications tools.
At this point, the closest and easiest to measure is “how many people from your target audience, actually read your core content, which carries your key messages”. And then we hope “the reading” would somehow translate into “action” by your target audience.
For CPWF, our partners in the workshop on which we base this case study, we defined a set of simple, easy to track, metrics, both for reach and impact. We’d track those figures on a weekly basis, making it easy to follow progress with simple graphs.
Example: Metrics for CPWF’s reach and impact
Tool Reach Metrics Impact Metrics
  • Visits
  • # of visitors from developing countries
  • Returning visits
  • Search hits
  • Downloads
  • # of visitors from basin countries
  • # of referred sites
  • Pages/visit
  • Time spent/visit
  • # comments or feedback
  • # visits of core content
  • # of followers
  • # of RTs/mentions
  • # of page views via Twitter
  • Crowdsource “Reach” figure
  • # of followers from target audience
  • # of RTs/mentions from target audience
  • # of likes
  • # of people talking about this
  • # shares
  • Facebook statistics “reach” figure
  • # of page views coming from FB
  • # of likes from project countries, developing countries
  • # of shares by target audiences (typically: organisations)
YouTube, Podomatic, Flickr
  • # of views
  • # of page views coming from Flickr/Podomatic/ YouTube
  • Number of re-uses (embeds)
  • # of views
  • # of downloads
  • # of re-uses
  • # of subscriptions
  • # opened
  • # of page views originating from the newsletter
  • # of page views from basin countries
  • Track key members of each target group—are they opening letters? Are they clicking?

Step 3.3: Define quality control and risk mitigation

mitigate risks

Our online communications strategy will involve a vast amount of staff, many of which are not professional communications staff. “Crowdsourcing” communications automatically includes a number of risks. Is all content bringing out the messages clear enough? Do we bring out the right message? Are the message coherent?…
At this point, it is well advised to assess the potential risks, and mitigate them.
There is also a “quality” versus “quantity” issue to address: When one professional communications officer produces one article per week, we can easily ensure a good quality. When, however, 20 project staff, each with a different technical expertise, different mother tongues and a limited knowledge of communications and web-stuff, start generating online content, we have to monitor the quality.
Example: Quality control and risk mitigation for CPWF
Possible areas of quality concern:
  • Scientific accuracy
  • Grammar
  • Coherence in message
  • Graphic/visual quality
  • Comments moderation
  • Keep limited access to the accounts of the online media
  • Well-defined responsibility: one person is responsible per media outlet
  • Well-defined workflow, e.g. contributors put content in draft, for final review before releasing. Reviewers check on grammar, consistency, graphic quality,..
  • Define quality guidelines for each media outlet


If you reached this part of our case study in one piece, well then: congratulations! We have now defined our online communications plan.
We started from our overall communications strategy: defining our key messages, our target audience, and the tools at our disposal. We looked which tools we could use for which audience, and adapted our key messages for each of our target audiences (Step 1)
We then zoomed into our online media strategy. We looked at our core content, identifying what content we have, and what we need. We also made sure that our core content could be found on our websites, improving its usability. (Step 2)
In the last part, we made a communications workplan, involving everyone in the process: from content generators, publishers to those staff helping to spread the messages using social media tools. We defined the metrics to track progress both in reach and impact, and mitigated risks to ensure the highest possible quality for our online process. (Step 3 – as described in this post)
Once again my usual disclaimer: I am not rewriting the Bible here, nor do I pretend to hold the one and only Holy Truth: this case study is only one example of a process in defining an online communications strategy. I do believe however that these simple steps will help to put structure in your communications efforts. It will help rationalizing and targeting your messages, aiming at a wider reach and a higher impact.
After all, in the nonprofit sector as in the commercial sector, the same rule applies: you can do the best possible job, but if no-one knows about it, your efforts are in vain. Our colleagues do their best to deliver a quality product or service, and as communications people, it is our task to spread the message about their work.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Promote Your Blog

Promote Your Blog
Ready for some readers? Check out the tips below to learn the best ways you can get the word out about your blog.

Connect your blog to Google+. Switch your Blogger profile to Google+ to take advantage of automatic sharing, the Google+ blogging community, and upcoming features designed to help you build a following. Learn more about what it means to switch your Blogger profile to Google+.

Write quality content and do it well. No one wants to stumble over bad writing and terrible grammar.

Keep search engines in mind. Take advantage of Blogger’s Search Preferences features to make sure it easier for those seeking your content.

Enable Email This Post. If you use Email This Post on your blog, people will be able to forward your posts to friends. This might not have an immediate impact on your site stats, but it enables others to publicize your blog for you.

Turn on your site feed. When people subscribe to your site feed in their newsreaders, they're more likely to read your posts.

Add your blog to Blogger's listings. When you add your blog to our listings it shows up in Nextblog, Recently Updated, and other places. It's like opting-in to traffic.

Publish regular updates. The more you blog, the more traffic you'll get.

Think of your audience. A good way to build an audience is to speak to one in particular. When you keep your audience in mind, your writing gains focus. Focus goes a long way toward repeat visitors.

Put your blog URL in your email signature. Think of how many forwarded emails you've seen in your day, and just imagine the possibilities.

Submit your address to blog search sites and directories. People look for blog content at Technorati every day, are you on their list? You should be. Submit your blog's url to Technorati, Daypop, Blogdex, Popdex, and any other site of that ilk you come across.

Install a blogroll. It's a very simple yet effective social networking scheme and it has the same result as a simple link if not stronger: traffic! So if you don't have one yet, sign up for a blogroll and get that link-list going.

Be an active commenter. If you come across a blog you like, why not leave a comment? This way, others who read and are interested in your comment and click back to your profile and check out your blogs.

Set your blog to Send Pings. When this setting is activated, your blog will be included in various "recently updated" lists on the web as well as other blog-related services.



What is copyright? Copyright is a form of protection provided for original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, graphic and audiovisual creations. "Copyright" literally means the right to copy, but has come to mean that body of exclusive rights granted by law to copyright owners for protection of their work.

What is copyright infringement? Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner.

Posting copyright-infringing content can lead to the removal of your post, blog, and even account termination. If a copyright owner decides to take legal action against you, this may possibly mean that you'd be liable for monetary damages (this is serious—you can get sued!). Below are some guidelines to help you determine whether your blog is legit or whether it infringes someone else's copyright. As a general matter, we at Blogger respect the rights of artists and creators, and hope you will work with us to keep our community a creative, legal and positive experience for everyone, including artists and creators.

How To Make Sure Your Blog Does Not Infringe Someone Else's Copyrights

The way to ensure that your blog doesn't infringe someone else's copyright is to use your skills and imagination to create something completely original. If it's all yours, you never have to worry about the copyright—you own it! If you want to republish content from another author or creator, make sure to get their authorization first. For music bloggers, oftentimes there is a lack of communication between the record label, their legal department, and the promoters authorized to share the music. Many times the PR folks at a record label will give permission to the promoters to freely sharely their artist's works, but they don't communicate this to their legal department. Please have your music PR folks communicate better with the record labels that they have cleared certain albums for free and legal use. And last but not least, make sure to follow the other guidelines in our Content Policy.